Behind the Scenes

Every writer's journey is a unique blend of inspiration, hard work, and dedication, and mine is no different. For as long as I can remember, storytelling has been at the core of who I am. As a child, I would create intricate tales from the simplest observations, always curious about the ‘what ifs’ and the hidden mysteries in everyday life.

The Writing Space

When it comes to writing, the environment matters. I’ve carved out a special space at the back of my house, an office with large windows that overlook my peaceful backyard. From this vantage point, I watch squirrels play, birds chirp, and my cat lazily bask in the sun. This serene view is more than just a backdrop—it’s a source of calm that allows me to focus and dive deep into the worlds I’m creating.

While some might find peace in bustling cafés, I prefer solitude. The quietness fuels my creativity and lets me lose myself in the stories I craft.

Inspiration and Process

Inspiration strikes at the most unexpected times—a news article, a memory, a passing comment, or even a dream can spark the seed of a story. My love for detective shows like Matlock and Murder, She Wrote greatly influenced my fascination with suspense and crime. The evolution from being a fan of these shows to crafting my own suspenseful narratives has been incredibly fulfilling.

However, writing isn’t always a smooth, linear process. Some days, the words flow effortlessly, while on others, the blank page stares back, waiting for the right moment of clarity. On challenging days, I remind myself of the stories I’ve successfully brought to life and push through, knowing that every plot twist, character arc, and dialogue exchange is worth the effort.

I never start a novel until I have a clear vision of the storyline, ensuring that each plot twist serves a purpose. With self-publishing, I have full creative control over every aspect of the book. From the initial draft to the final product, it's my way of ensuring that every novel reflects my vision without compromise.

The Balancing Act

Balancing life and writing can be a delicate act. Between doctor appointments and managing everyday tasks, I find time to write, promote my work, and focus on all the details of self-publishing. It’s a juggling act, but one that keeps me connected to my passion for storytelling.

The Challenges and Rewards

Writing is a solitary pursuit, but it comes with its own set of rewards. The moment when a character comes to life on the page or a plot twist clicks into place makes the long hours worthwhile. But there are challenges too. Plot inconsistencies, character development issues, or the pressure of reaching 70,000 words without losing momentum can create roadblocks. Yet, overcoming these obstacles, seeing the final product, and hearing from readers who were captivated by the story—those are the moments that make it all worth it.

What's Next?

As I continue to write, there’s always a sense of excitement for what’s to come. Whether it's unraveling a new mystery, crafting a world of hidden relics, or delving into the psychology of a troubled protagonist, the thrill of storytelling keeps me motivated.

Each book is a journey—one that I hope draws readers into a world where suspense, intrigue, and unexpected twists make for an unforgettable ride.